Community Goals
Connect members with their culture
Preserve, Protect, and Revitalize the Cree Language

Big River First Nation’s newly completed Pow wow Arbour
Big River First Nation is located 120 kilometers northwest of Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. Big River First Nation has a proud reputation as a traditional Cree community where the majority of youth fluently speak the Cree language. Big River First Nation has also strengthened their families through cultural ceremonies such as sun dances, chicken dances, round dances, community feasts, as well as by hosting and attending local surrounding pow wows throughout the years. With nearly 30,000 acres of reserve land, Big River has its roots in Treaty No. 6 of 1878. Led by Chief SeSeWaHum and later by Chief Kinematayo, Big River First Nation members made their living by hunting and fishing until 20 years after treaty adhesion.